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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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yeah. right now on the afternoon. edition. the woman at the center of donald trump's criminal case in new york takes the witness stand. good afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook in for ryan today. adult film star stormy daniels testified in donald trump's hush money trial where she described for jurors a sexual encounter. she says she had with the former president. and claims she was paid off to keep silent. trump has denied those allegations. and michael george is outside the courthouse with the very latest >reporter>stormy daniels is in the same room as former president donald trump called to testify about payments she accepted as part of what prosecutors call a coverup scheme ahead of the 2016 presidential election. >can't say for sure, i know
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that this is what trump intended. >reporter>attorneys for the former president asked the judge to bar prosecutors from asking daniels about .... judge juan marshawn, said daniels, whose real name is stephanie clifford, would be allowed to testify about the basic details of the encounter an encounter trump denies. >trump >>entered manhattan supreme court tuesday morning calling the felony hush money trial unfair and said there's no smoking gun. >to get us on the fact that we call illegal expense. illegal, expensive >reporter>attorneys are expected to question the former adult film stars credibility. >which is going to say is in part this is all about trying to make sure that the voters didn't hear what i wanted to say. >reporter>trump also railed against the judge's gag order on his way into court, calling it unconstitutional. but made no mention of daniels by name. >liz>the judge has denied trump's request for a mistrial after his lawyer said stormy daniels testimony was quote extremely prejudicial. tiktok
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is suing the us government. this all comes after president biden signed a law that requires a social media company to cut ties with its china based owner or be effectively banned here in the us the lawsuit claims that is unconstitutional. and says the law blocks free speech and prevents users from accessing lawful information. to oakland oakland. now we're construction on the new oakland ballers ballpark is underway at raymond e park, and we are excited to announce the ballers and cbs news bay area have formed an exclusive partnership starting next month. we will broadcast 9 home games from raimondi park on picks, plus 44 cable 12 shawn chitnis has more details on what we can expect for their inaugural season. >yeah. >>dollars. want to continue. oakland's baseball legacy and give fans the chance to watch them in the pioneer league in person or with us on tv on
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pigs. plus, you'll get the chance to not only see friday night games but also enjoy expert commentary in depth analysis and behind the scenes access we've been there every step of the way as they get ready for their 1st season, including the ballers, starting a $1.6 million plan to renovate their new home, raymond e. park, they will play a total of 48 games in west oakland. the upgrades are funded by private investors >being able to do something. for the community by the community is critical for me as a person, and i think for us as an organization, and so just looking at all the people who have committed a beautiful saturday to coming out and cleaning up this park is pretty incredible >reporter>independent league baseball team signed 3 players from an open tryout last month, including the 1st woman. whoever signed a professional contract with an mlb partner team, kelsie. whitmore made history with the staten island ferry hawks in 2020. two. she's
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attending the ballers spring training this month along with 2 other players who came out of an open tryout. all part of the team's dedication to a community focused experience for oakland. >baseball needs to stay in oakland, and it really should be up to people from oakland. weather baseball stays or continues in baseball in such an important fabric of this community, and so we started the dollars to say, no matter what there's going to be a team here, >reporter>and of course, there's the look of the team with uniforms, giving a nod to some familiar colors in the east bay. the valley the team has made to never leave the town because they say they're built by oakland for oakland. >liz>all right, so you can look for the 1st home game on picks plus on june 7th and also check out tickets to see the team in person there on sale now, with a reduced ticket feet turning down to our 1st alert weather here is a live look outside in san jose, another gorgeous day on tap, actually, that san francisco temperatures, though only going to go up, it's going to get really warm and hot in some areas. meteorologist jessica birch is tracking a
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warmup on the way. hey, jess. >reporter>we have a big warm up right around the corner for us as we head into this work week forecast you won't notice it today because today we're right where we should be. for this time of year. this is near average for us with 60s near san francisco low 70s up in the middle valley and all the way up into santa rosa and the more east we go well, a little bit warmer yet, for example, concord in antioch, topping off in the upper 70s. today, those areas could potentially see 90s as we head into this week's forecast. better yet. let me show you that we're expecting 70s near san jose today, heading into the next 7 days. high pressure moves its way in it warms us up and dries us up and we actually hit the upper 80s as early as thursday and friday. we continue to see 80s into this weekend forecast for our inland areas and then partly cloudy skies return heading into monday, but we're still dry, though we're not seeing a drop of rain in sight anytime soon. we continue to warm up also for our friends along the bay into the 80s until thursday. cooling down into the 60s by early next week. >liz>all right, jess. thank you knew video this afternoon, showing tense moments at uc san
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diego after pro palestinian protesters clashed with sheriff's deputies. >yeah. >>video posted on social media shows. demonstrators standing in front of a bus with barred windows as a line of deputies face off with protesters. this happened yesterday as officers cleared an encampment on campus law enforcement arrested 64 people, 40 of whom were students. the san francisco now we're encampment. protestors at sf state sat down with the university's president, and what's being called a 1st of its kind negotiation, sitting face to face students laid out their demands to president lynn mahoney yesterday, there demanding the university not only divest from companies that do business with israel as well as disclosed all of its investments. and also defend the rights of pro palestinian speech on campus as well as declared their support for the palestinian people in gaza. >of my students willing to have a conversation with the
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next steps with us, they're going to continue the conversation with them. i feel very confident that she has appeared to be very open to conversations and moving forward with the majority of our demands, and we're looking forward to continuing to have these conversations and it looks like we're going to make a very steadfast progress into their implementation. >liz>protestors say while these negotiations are ongoing, the encampment in the middle of campus will remain the boy scouts are changing their name. it's rebranding as scouting america, the organization says its emphasizing inclusion after decades of turmoil involving sexual abuse claims in recent years of boy scouts have embraced lgbtq youth as well as women into their organization. more than 176,000. girls and young women are currently enrolled in boy scout programs. well still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area toxic chemicals. could be coming from the seats inside your car. the warning out and what you can do to protect
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yourself. plus dozens of cats rescued from last year's wildfires in maui. how you can help them find a new home. and here is a live look as a look outside before we head to break gorgeous out. i hope you get out to enjoy it. we'll be right back. yeah.
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- [narrator] welcome to twin pine casino and hotel. feel the thrill on our exciting casino floor. indulge in exquisite dining. unwind in our luxurious hotel rooms at twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california. new research is
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raising concern about about toxic chemical coming from the sea. in your car. most seats are treated with flame retardant chemicals under federal fire safety standards. but in a new study in the journal environmental science and technology, they found that those chemicals in the air inside cars, meaning you may be breathing them in as well. and governor looks at the findings at what you can do to protect yourself. >reporter>san francisco's venus, england drives an electric car to help the environment but hadn't thought much about the air inside her car. >i never realized there could be toxic chemicals. it was very surprising to me to be honest. >reporter>about 2 years ago, she volunteered to participate in a study looking at drivers exposure to flame retardants used on automobile seats to meet federal fire safety standards. she and 100. other car owners place these silicone bands in their cars for a week to measure the level. of those chemicals in the air inside their vehicles. >i want to know what chemicals are in my car and if
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there is anything i can do to reduce my own exposures. >reporter>now the results are in the study finds vehicles are likely an important source of human exposure to potentially harmful flame retardants. those most likely to be exposed commuters. full time vehicle drivers and children who the study says would also be at risk of greater exposure than adults for equivalent, commuting times the green science policy institute's lydia y'all is 1 of the study's authors. does that mean that when you get in your car? you are going to be breathing these chemicals, >it does mean you'll be breathing the chemicals >reporter>and they found levels of some of those chemicals were 2 to 5 times higher in summer as compared to winter >hotter temperatures. the chemicals are able to be released from the car materials more easily. and so you end up with higher concentrations. >reporter>the hotter it gets, the more chemical you're likely to have. >yes,
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>>researchers can't say precisely what the health effects might be from breathing in those flame retardants, but they note that a 2023 us nationals. toxicology report found evidence of carcinogenic activity in rats and mice for the most frequently found chemical. they and others are calling for the federal flammability standard to be reevaluated. similar to how the standard for upholstered furniture was revised in 2021. to eliminate flame retardants. the national highway traffic safety administration. which sets those standards did not respond to our request for comment, but the international association of firefighters union says most car fires come from car engines and accidents, not car interiors and the chemicals also pose risks to firefighters. the unions pat morrison, >put those flames flame retardants in their and the virus is going, that's what we're breathing in some of the most toxic air that you will ever find anywhere >reporter>back in san francisco, venus singles test showed flame retardants too, but she's says is frustrating.
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>we've >>great >>strides in making our cars safer over the decades. i just think we can do better and actually have healthier, safer cars. >reporter>in the meantime, the researchers recommend when you 1st get in your car roll down the windows and let the air out. >liz>take a live look at oakland. now we know bay area traffic can be really frustrating, right? well, now, a new study finds oakland is the worst city in the nation to drive in. that's according to forbes adviser now the study looked at 47 metro areas and considered a number of metrics, including driving experience safety cost of owning a car and access to maintenance. oakland was given the top spot because of the high number of deadly crashes. high gas prices and long commute. times miami came in 2nd, followed by san francisco. yeah. humane society in silicon valley just welcomed 50 new cats that were displaced
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last year by the deadly wildfires in maui. 37 full grown cats and 13 kittens arrived at the south bay shelter last week shelters in maui have been overwhelmed in the wake of those fires last august, so moving some of the adoptable cats here in the bay area opens more space for the nearly 200 feral cats. the hawaiian shelters had to take in. >we actually do have a lane i cats currently available for adoption, and we should have more just as they start to kind of come out of their shells a little bit more finish up with their dental procedures that are available within the next few weeks, so we should have a nice study supply of felines from hawaii, probably for the next month or so. >liz>they are so cute. the main society says he's socialized cats will be up for adoption at local shelters. all right, let's get back to our 1st alert weather. now let's take a live look outside, and, gosh, you couldn't ask for a prettier day. let's get back to meteorologist jessica burch. hey, jess, >reporter>we are off to a beautiful start to kick off this work week, but we continue to warm up day by day as we get
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closer to the weekend as high pressure ridges its way in and as we're dealing with an area of low pressure sitting just inland that's actually going to bring in some gusty conditions offshore. we're going to continue to watch those winds really developed as we head into the next couple of days, but the temperatures are the other big concern for us. you won't notice it today, though, 60 in in the forecast for us today near san francisco and oakland sitting right around average for this time of year, we're still in spring, and it definitely is a spring like day for us here in the bay area with blue skies above us, and we'll continue to see sunny skies throughout this whole weeks forecast as we really start to heat up for example, san jose santa clara valley all the way off into the east bay we're holding on tight to the 70s today, but right around the corner, we're going to be seeing the 80s in the forecast return, and that's going to continue to be the trend heading into this weekend. so better yet. let me show you that daytime highs for san jose returning into the 80s as early as tomorrow, and then we jump all the way up into the upper 80s for our thursday and friday forecast and then start to average out as we head into the weekend after high pressure moves its way through, but that's just san jose. let's
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take a look at the rest of our inland. areas if you live in the east bay or if you live all the way up into the north bay. we're also going to see a similar trend with sunny skies in the forecast for us continuing into this weekend forecast and into early next week, which is a little bit of partly cloudy skies and 70s, returning as early as monday. but that's our inland areas. if you live closer to san francisco, or if you are planning on heading to the coast, it will be just a little bit cooler. for example. san francisco warming up into the 70s by tomorrow 80s by thursday, a similar trend in oakland and then cloudy skies along our coastline in the peninsula as early as saturday is forecast. >liz>coming up, self driving cars are on display in the east bay, the service that will give passengers a new way to get around the bay area. and remember, you can watch us anytime anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area catch all of our live newscast, plus news and weather updates throughout the day, you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. >reporter>so, starting with sun joe's leaf blower. this is so cool and honestly, you'll have fun doing it because it's so easy to use. this 1 comes with
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an attachment to telescopic poll that's going to allow you to reach up to the gutters. get anything out of the way leaves dirt pollen. i love this to get the windshield of my car. there's anything in there. this is only b#4 so lightweight, easy to use button so you can really adjust it. it goes up to 78 mph. this is on minimum. i don't want to scare anybody because it is early. pushes out doesn't suck in relief. a leaf blower. yeah, but you can adjust that you can increase the level so really customizable. the price today is incredible. 1 74 99 20% off and i'm telling you, this is like going to be your go to year round and more skin the qr code on top of your screen
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective.
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does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >liz>to the east bay now autonomous vehicles. on display. and cons. costa county today. the 9 annual redefining mobility summit showcased a number of a v s and the partnerships. those companies are forming with local governments. one project on
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display is a self driving shuttle system from a company called glide ways that would connect 4 cities in east contra costa. to bart stations. >we believe strongly that when you have to spend our words of your day commuting to your work that is not access that is not social equity. we need to change that >liz>if you want to go see these abe's for yourself. the event runs until 430 at bishop branch in san ramon apple unveiled its newest products today, starting with the ipad, the ipad pro has a new design. it's even thinner than the old ipad nano and the company ipod. not remember those all things, the company says it's faster and more powerful and the display will be brighter than the older models and for you filmmakers out there. apple also announced major updates to final cut pro, including a new multi camera app. for seamless production and editing. we're
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also saying 1st looks at the new magic keyboard and the apple pencil pro all these new gadgets well next, a group of fearless women break a skydiving record the stunt that's going viral after the break. >i would like to see the headlines at the national president picks up on it and say, look, there is another side to the bay area. we take those headlines a little step further to sort of connect all these wonderful communities here really embracing the positivity and hopefully spreading it. the bay area's amazing, innovative changemakers out. out there making a difference privilege. that i get to share those stories
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>liz>coming up today at 3 tiktok. has given the go a deadline. saying the ab could go dark unless the ban is overturned. we're talking with an expert about it live at 3 and finally here at noon. check this out. this australian all female group said a new skydiving record becoming the 1st 24 person team to make too look at that. that's amazing. they did 2 different formations in the same jump. you can see them jumping from 2 different planes. talk about coordination, and then they come together to make this formation. these women achieved this feat on their very 1st try. but it didn't stop there. they went on to break another skydiving record for the largest australian women star
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formation on their very 1st jump, for the next jump that they did. that's amazing.
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